JUNE 7, 2025

Everyne can reach at least one.

Join millions around the world committing to share Jesus with one person on GO Day 2025, June 7th.

Join millions around the world committing to share Jesus with one person on GO Day 2025, June 7th.

What is GO Day?

Our Goal: To build a ministry and church-based movement so that every believer is a witness. We sense God wants us to work through and with His local church and ministries with a passion for and history of evangelism. We aim to see 10,000 churches engaged and 1 million people sharing the gospel.

Get the GO Guide

GO Movement has the potential to be a movement of God’s people and the Gospel like never before in the history of the Church

We are NOT an Organization

We are NOT an Organization

GO MOVEMENT is a collection of leaders and partners passionate about God’s people being active in sharing their faith and seeing numerous people trusting in Jesus Christ. Our aim is to mobilize the broader body of Christ to see a sustainable Gospel movement.

Stories and Testimonies

We want to hear your story! Text us: +1 (833) 230-4136

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    Working out at my gym, I got to know one of the coaches. In conversation, I had mentioned [...]

  • Man Survives Being Hit by a Car

    About a month ago I met a man at a lunch our church serves every Wednesday on the [...]

  • Brad

    About a week ago I met a Brad at the dog park. I prayed for his mom who [...]

  • Gas Station Clerk

    Today I asked the gas station cashier how her day was going so far. She responded with an [...]

  • Cal

    We met Cal who was waiting for a comedy show to start.  He first professed to be Christian, [...]

  • Bob

    Bob has been on a journey towards God and reading the bible. After sharing with him what it [...]