About a month ago I met a man at a lunch our church serves every Wednesday on the edge of a Walmart in our town. We spent a couple hours talking and eventually God led us to the Gospel using the Bible and a colored wrist band. God opened his heart and he surrendered his life to Christ. I learned the next Wednesday from his friend that he was struck by a car on the busy road right in front of where we serve lunch and suffered a broken hip and femur. I finally tracked him down and yesterday I got to visit with him at the rehab center he’s at. We talked for about an hour and he’s just so overwhelmed with God’s love and that God spared his life. I told him God has a new life for him as a new man in Christ. Tears just flowed from him as God is washing his soul clean from his past. He wants to be baptized in a couple weeks when he’s healed up better and I told him we will do that and celebrate with him.Â